Effortless Perfection

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Setting Boundaries For The Right Reasons

As a lawyer and life coach, Angela Han gets personal with professionals on how to set boundaries for the right reasons to feel more fulfilled at work. She also shares our love for the mic, as host of the Fit to Practice podcast, designed specifically for lawyers who want to focus on health and wellness. Tune in for some truth bombs that working moms from ALL industries need to hear – we could not stop taking notes on this one!


Fit to Practice with Angela Han

Angela Han on LinkedIn

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms. We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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Inclusivity and Innovation in Intimates

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms. We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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The Magnetism of Authenticity

If we can’t be authentically us, how can we expect our clients to feel safe in their vulnerability? On Ep. 39 of Working Mom Hour, we talk with Dr. Sam DuFlo, who was dissatisfied with the status quo in her industry and forged her own path. As a bonus, she can tell us more about our pelvic floors. Join us!  

 Episode Links:




Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms. We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].  

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Look for the Moms

When our kids were young, we would tell them that if they ever got separated from us in a crowd to first look for a police officer. If there isn’t one around, then look for the moms. A mom will know how to help you if you are lost.

This morning, I was feeling a little separated from myself. A friend and mom, not knowing I was in this place, sent me a song. It was exactly what I needed to hear. In that moment, it hit me – when I’m feeling lost, I need to look for the moms in my life for support.

Moms tend to do this job solo. It’s part, “I can do this myself” and part “I don’t want to burden anyone.” We don’t want to push through it alone, but so often we do because, on most days, we can. That route feels simpler. It’s not.

We need more of each other. We need to look out for each other.

We need to look for the moms.

Chit-Chat 14: Doing it Scared

Working Moms & Stay-at-home-Moms

“So how much time do you have while the kids are at school?”

“8-4 or so – “

“Enough for a #Costco run…” ?


The ? point started.


A few minutes earlier I had shared that life was a little intense at the moment.

My stay-at-home-mom teammate assumed I had kids at home during the days, and that I was going to say I only had a couple hours without kids.

We both knew she misspoke, but neither of us made the correction.

What good would it do – she didn’t understand my hard, and I didn’t understand hers.

But it didn’t matter.

I also didn’t tell her my Costco run was arriving at my door that afternoon because it’s not worth my time to go.

Or that I just learned how to buy 136 granola bars at a time vs. 6, and I could learn a lot from my stay-at-home-mom friends.

Moms don’t keep score.

(In pickleball, yes. In life, no.)

Grief in Motherhood

In Ep. 38, we have an emotional and enlightening discussion with Dr. Sherry Walling, mom, trauma psychologist and author of Touching Two Worlds. We share our personal experiences with grief, and discuss how to navigate our needs in motherhood and the workplace. We also chat about the life lessons that grief has taught us, and how to help our children to handle their heavy feelings in healthy ways – like a good cry. Join us!

Episode Links:

Touching Two Worlds: https://www.touchingtwoworlds.com/

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms. We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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Weekends with Small Kids

Many weekends I seem to be disappointed. My dreamiest moments are when all 5 of us are together. But the reality is, it’s really hard to achieve it peacefully in this season of life.

3 kids with different needs and interests, and 2 parents wanting family time, rest, relationship time, solo time, and building time all at once.

How do you make time for it all, or choose? It’s impossible.

We tend to pile in the stroller, van or golf cart and head to the water when we are all feeling the opposite of peace. ?

I know I’ll miss the young days. But for now, the weekends are little magical moments, sandwiched in between the hard ones. And so, so much yelling.

I’m sure it will result in growth right?! ✨?

Family Trees at School & Adoption

I got a message the other day from my 18mo’s teacher requesting a family photo so they can make family trees.?

My son’s #adoption will soon be finalized. And while we talk often about his biological family and have pictures in his room, I am very much still learning about and uncovering his story.

Having to share something that I don’t have the complete picture or words to use yet, my rational self was laughing, yet I was paralyzed.

As the universe does, this morning I saw an article from our agency with another family’s experience. It was so fantastic, and something any parent or teacher can benefit from, I had to share:   

“We got the ‘draw your family tree’ assignment in second grade, and my kid decided to fill it out by drawing her own extra branches on the tree for her birthparents, birthgrandparents, and her two half-sisters. Her teacher sent it home with a note asking her to redo it ‘correctly’. We declined, and let her take the zero grade. I loved it, sent her birthmom a scan of it, and framed it to hang in her room. That’s a zero grade we can support! Leah, adoptive mom”

What an awesome story of being courageous alongside your child, and the lessons are stunning. I only hope my creative brain turns on in this way throughout the journey!?

Way to go, “Leah” and thanks for sharing Adoptions Together & FamilyWorks Together and On Your Feet Foundation.

The full article: https://lnkd.in/g6Epx3ac