You can’t get time back; use it wisely

I blinked and somehow turned 40, have been raising kids for more than a decade, and celebrated 14 years of marriage. It hit me hard how much time I spent in my first 40 years focusing on things that brought me down, like what people thought of me or am I doing/being enough. Too much of my time went to caring about people and things that didn’t serve me in return. 

I reality checked the guilt that came with that examination of how and where I spent my time. Instead of wallowing, I felt a surprising sense of accomplishment. I was proud of how far I’ve come and who I’ve become. I was proud of my self-awareness. 

If I’m lucky, I have another good 40 years in me and I am now committed to them differently, approaching them with grace and a selective pursuit of happiness.

Ep. 21: Chaos at Mid-Career: Why Women Aren’t Set Up for Success

On Ep. 21, we are joined by Teresa Tanner, Founder & CEO of Reserve Squad. As 4 in 10 women leave their positions at some point in their career,  Teresa is on a mission to help women stay connected to their company and skills through Reserve Squad. We talk about how her husband stayed home with their kids so that she could continue her career in the C-suite of the 4th largest bank in the U.S. And how, in return, she created innovative solutions to keep her female talent, like a maternity concierge. Teresa remains fiercely dedicated to helping women continue to do what they love, and we loved learning from her! Join Us!


Find Teresa and Reserve Squad:

Reserve Squad





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We make plans…

We are taught that success starts with a plan. And a plan “B.” Plans are necessary in life and in business. 

Sometimes, your carefully thought through plans don’t go according to well, plan. (How many times can I say plan before you question if it’s even a word?)

Four years ago, I tattooed a saying in my dad’s handwriting on my left wrist. If you would have asked me two years before, when he was still alive, if I would walk into a tattoo parlor spontaneously, I would have told you: “never.” A tattoo was never in my plans. 

But every day, I’m reminded of a saying my dad wrote down for my wedding speech, one that my late Nonna taught him: “We make plans and God laughs.” 

I said “never” to a lot of things before my heart was broken. Before grief became something I met every day. I still make plans, a lot of them. My to-do lists have to-do lists. Calendar reminders are a crutch. 

But I’ve learned that nothing is certain, except for uncertainty. 

I’ve learned that we aren’t in as much control over our lives, and our kids’ lives, as we think we are. 

I’ve learned to focus on the good, most days. 

I’ve learned that tomorrow may not go according to plan, and I’ll try to be ready for that. 

Ep. 20: Career Mashups are The Future of Work

On Ep. 20 of Working Mom Hour, we're chatting with Connie Steele who is a future of work and life researcher.  She introduces a new concept called fluidity because she says we must be fluid in the way we think and adapt both professionally and personally in order to align with the needs of today. She has also launched a best-selling book called Building the Business of You. Join us!

Where to connect with Connie:






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Ep. 19: The Startup Born from Starting Families Later in Life

In Ep. 19, Erin Quick, Founder and CEO of PairTree, details her journey to becoming a mother and launching her growing startup, PairTree, a unique matching service for expectant mothers and adopting families. More women than ever before are choosing to lean into careers before starting families. This evolution has caused an increase in need for adoption services. With the road to adoption known to be archaic, time-intensive and expensive; it’s ripe for innovation. We chat with Erin about her personal experience starting a family and navigating infertility and adoption, which inspired her to create a more modern and accessible approach to adopt. Join us!

We are building out more spaces to connect! For now, find us:

Connect with Erin and PairTree

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Ep. 18: Seeing Ourselves Without Barriers

In Ep. 18, we welcome Wema Hoover, a global leader in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging who, for the past two decades, has led DEI initiatives for some of the most influential companies in the world including Google, Pfizer, Aetna and others. Today, she runs a progressive consulting agency that enables organizations to advance DEI at each level of their employee population. We discuss obstacles working moms face, prototyping leadership, and how companies today should be thinking about these issues.

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Ep. 17: Mom Brain: The Good, Bad & Amazing

On. Ep. 17 of Working Mom Hour we're talking with Dr. Nicole Pensak, a Harvard and Yale trained clinical psychologist helping to change the stigma of Mom Brain.  We learn how our brains evolve as we become moms, and why it's so important for us and our babies regardless of if we gave birth to them or not.  We also discuss postpartum care and how to have a plan BEFORE anything goes wrong. 

Follow Dr. Nicole on these platforms



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Chit-Chat 8: Ellie Applies to WMH, Guilt and Shame & The People You Choose

Chit chats are our mini-‘sodes; the unplanned chatter that doesn’t quite fit into a format yet at times adds the most value (and laughs!). So be a fly on our wall…we hope it brings you joy!

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Apologize to Kids

This isn’t about being right or wrong. It is about showing your kids firsthand what it looks like to be accountable, owning your actions and choices.

Too many adults around us do not know how to do this. They are victims, placing blame for the consequences of their own choices on others. I imagine accountability wasn’t modeled for them as a child, and therefore the cycle is repeating itself.

So, apologize to your kids and apologize to others around your kids. It doesn’t make you weak. Quite the opposite.

Ep. 16: Unicorn Space with Eve Rodsky

On Ep. 16 of Working Mom Hour, 2x NYTimes Best Selling Author of Fair Play and Find Your Unicorn Space Eve Rodsky is joins us. Eve began a national conversation about greater equality when it comes to the domestic workload after interviewing thousands of women about the invisible labor in the home. We cover the critical importance of prioritizing time for the active pursuit of creative self-expression in any form that makes you uniquely YOU. And, how to create that Unicorn Space (and that it’s NOT OPTIONAL). Join us for laughs, tears and self-discovery!

Find Eve Rodsky:

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