Cultivating Our Creative Cycles

What’s more valuable – creativity or productivity? Spoiler alert: it’s a trick question.

To understand why these two practices are better together, we brought on social innovation artist, and creator of Rest to Harvest, Moulsari Jain. In this interview, she helps us get in sync with our natural cycles, embrace every stage, and find peace after we hit the pause button. 

Moulsari challenges the notion of isolated creativity, comparing it to demanding a plant to uproot itself, which is impossible. Trust us, we’ve tried. Instead, she encourages us to celebrate ideas and possibilities without rigid control. 

What you'll learn from this episode:

– Tap into your innate creativity by embracing the Rest to Harvest approach.
– Honor your natural cycle.
– Recognize the importance of building relationships and community connections.
– Balance masculine and feminine energies.
– Change your perspective on productivity by learning the value of simply being instead of constantly striving for tangible results.

01:30 – Origin of “Rest to Harvest” concept.
06:15 – Embracing the power of doing nothing.
14:00 – Understanding women's natural cycles.
26:57 – Balancing masculine and feminine energies.
35:30 – Adapting to technological change.
42:33 – The power of community in Rest to Harvest.
46:19 – Embracing vulnerability for growth.

Check out her TEDx talk: Rest to Harvest – Redesigning work along the cycles of life  | Moulsari Jain | TEDxBreda

Connect with Moulsari Jain
LinkedIn: Moulsari Jain
Facebook: Moulsari : B-A-D for GOOD 
Instagram: @moulsari

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms.

We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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Dr. Nikki Pensak Talks Rattled | Part 2

Welcome back to Part 2 as we continue our enlightening conversation with Dr. Nikki Pensak. In this bonus episode, she shares her journey of writing her new book, ‘Rattled’ and how she decided to blend personal anecdotes with professional expertise to create a digestible guide for mothers. Personally, we can’t wait to add this to our reading list.

1:18 – The writing process of “Rattled”
3:32 – Addressing the idea that it's never too late to seek help
4:45 – Importance of not projecting personal experiences onto children
5:30 – A tool for working motherhood: being present with children
8:14 – Details on the release of “Rattled” and pre ordering information
8:55 – Closing remarks

Connect with Dr. Nikki Pensak:

LinkedIn: Nicole Amoyal Pensak PHD
Instagram: @drnikkipensak

Preorder RATTLED here, available April 30, 2024.
Attend her virtual live book launch event with Eve Rodsky on May 8, 2024 @11am EST

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms.

We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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The Power of the Postpartum Brain with Dr. Nikki Pensak – Part 1

Postpartum can be a complex time in motherhood, as it is often linked with feelings of depression, anxiety, or similar challenges.

Today, we're privileged to bring back trained clinical psychologist, Dr. Nikki Pensak, to talk about postpartum mental health, and her new book, RATTLED, which dives into how to manage and calm new mom anxiety.

Rather than viewing this developmental phase through a lens of struggle, Dr. Nikki helps us see it as a time ripe with potential. She explains how our brains change during this time, why our feelings might not match up, and why it's so important to take care of ourselves and get professional help when we need it.

For a deeper dive into Dr. Nikki’s book, RATTLED, and her favorite working mom tool, stay tuned for our bonus Part 2 episode coming next week.

What you’ll get out of this episode:

– A better understanding of matrescence, the rapid transformation that causes a mismatch between physiological and psychological adjustments.
– The psychological challenges of becoming a mother, including postpartum OCD and anxiety.
– How high-functioning mothers often mask their struggles, facing perfectionism and unrealistic expectations.
– Why mindful practices and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are effective tools.
– How to manage ‘mom guilt’ when it pops up during much-needed downtime.
0:48 – Understanding matrescence.
4:51 – Challenges in recognizing postpartum mental health needs.
15:28 – The experience of high-functioning mothers.
28:26 – Addressing mom guilt and the importance of leaning into downtime.
32:48 – Understanding intrusive thoughts and anxiety in new parents.
46:42 – Practical ways to support parental leave and mental health.
52:52 – Embracing neuroplasticity and growth during motherhood.

Connect with Dr. Nikki Pensak:

LinkedIn: Nicole Amoyal Pensak PHD
Instagram: @drnikkipensak
Preorder RATTLED here, available April 30, 2024.
Attend her virtual live book launch event with Eve Rodsky on  May 8, 2024 @11am EST 

Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode, and kindly review the podcast on Apple Podcasts so we can reach more working moms.

We always want to hear your thoughts, concerns, questions or guest suggestions – email [email protected].

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